Sin duda alguna, sin temor posible, hoy me siento como la melodía de este tema atemporal.
Cuando una obra de arte es única por si misma, por si sola, porque atrapa todos tus sentidos sin contemplación alguna...
Uno de los mejores temas que jamás se han escrito, parte de la banda sonora de mi vida.
Hey there! My name is Wilbur and When I just desired to say your blog site is great!
It truly is surprising because I use to have a web site that practically had an identical website url: mine was only a few characters different. Anyhow, I am a big admirer of your blog site and if you at any time would like a guest write-up make sure you email me personally at: I absolutely adore writing!
3 comentarios:
En su momento, toda una revolución.
...Parte de la banda sonora de muchas miles de vidas, Gene, entre las que está la mía!
Runner: En su momento y aún hoy!
Hey there! My name is Wilbur
and When I just desired to say your blog site is great!
It truly is surprising because I use to have a web site that practically had an identical
website url:
mine was only a few characters different.
Anyhow, I am a big admirer of
your blog site and if you
at any time would like a guest write-up make sure
you email me personally at: I absolutely adore writing!
My blog post; My Site
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